Borbála NAGY
  • Hungary
Borbala NAGY

Borbála was born and raised in a family of dancers in Hungary. After having studied Movie Sciences and worked as a journalist in Budapest, in 2011 she moved to Germany. Starting out as a film festival organiser, it shortly became obvious to her that directing would be the best channel to share her stories. In 2012 she successfully applied to the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). Her short "Everything Alright" gained international recognition. Her latest work, "Land of Glory" was awarded at several festivals and in 2020 it won the prize of the best short film at the German Short Film Award. Borbála was selected to the Talents Sarajevo (2017) and to the Berlinale Talents (2020). At the moment Borbála is developing her first feature, "Nothing to See Here". This project was invited to numerous international labs. In 2020 it was presented at the CineLink Co-Production Market (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Recently the project got a development fund from the Hungarian Film Institute in the framework of the Inkubátor Program."

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