Jean Henri ROGER Juliet BERTO
  • 1981
  • In Competition
  • Feature Films
  • 1er Film
Prix du cinéma contemporain au Festival International du Film (Ex-aequo) 1981

Anita, she is barmaid at ” La Vielleuse “. Anita, she has a great heart. Willy, he loves Anita and it is not always easy even for an old “full contact” professional. Jocko, he is West Indian, in order to live in his exile, his “thing” is the Saint Trinity church. He is Pastor of it. All three of them, they live on the 800 meter of boulevard Indian ragamuffin of the district. Today he does the job of “dealer”. He is going to get himself killed under the neon lights of the fun fair. Anita has practically raised this youngster. Anita and her two friends, they are going to learn the price of the gram of heroin.

Réalisé par : Jean Henri ROGER, Juliet BERTO
Pays : France