England, 1699. Thomas Smithers, a small industrialist, driven by vanity and his desire to impress his delightful wife Juliana, decides to transform his neglected garden into a work of art worthy of his social status. A young and brilliant Dutch landscape gardener, Meneer Chrome, is given the task of creating the masterpiece. Chrome is hired on James Fitzmaurices’s advice, a sheming and jealous man who has orchestrated everything to bring Smithers to his downfall and regain the love of his cousin Juliana. But unexpected events will counter his diabolical plans : Juliana falls in love with Chrome, who in turn is taken by Thea, Juliana’s strange young daughter… A storm that rocks the hearts, raises a devastating wind.
Pays : United Kingdom
Durée : 110 minutes
- Philippe ROUSSELOT Director
- Tim ROSE PRICE Screenplay
- Jean-François ROBIN Cinematography
- Goran BREGOVIC Music
- Mick AUDSLEY Editing
- Charles GARRAD Production Design