• 1996
  • Un Certain Regard
  • Film d'ouverture
  • 1er Film

1968-Valérie Solanas, a radical lesbian and destitute writer lives on succession of city rooftops and in cheap hotels. Through her twilight world acquaintances she gets a foot in the door of Andy Warhol’s ‘Factory’ where she presents a copy of her play “Up Your Ass” to him. At the same time she meets the publisher of subversive literature, Maurice Girodias. Waiting for word from Warhol, Solanas takes to the streets, selling copies of her radical feminist diatribe SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) and, more successfully, selling her body. Solanas pleads with Warhol to produce her play but her disruptive behaviour only alienates the artists and excommunicates her from the zoned-out Factory crowd. Studying her publishing contract with Girodias, Solanas develops the paranoid fantasy that both

Réalisé par : Mary HARRON
Pays : United States
Durée : 100 minutes
