Cinéma de demain

What is “Cinéma de Demain”?

Since 2023 “Cinéma de Demain” encompasses all the many different initiatives the Festival has sparked over the years to support film-making and foster a love of cinema around the world. In a continuation of its long-standing tradition of revealing fresh talent and supporting the film industry, the Festival is ploughing its expertise into a vibrant hub dedicated to the future of film and underpinned by four core priorities: revealing, supporting, sharing, networking.

More information on the Cinéma de demain ont the page MISSIONS


Where to find “Cinéma de Demain” latest news?

Since March 2023 the Cinéma de Demain website gathers all information previously published on the Cannes Court Métrage and Jeune Cinéma websites. Follow the news and events of all Cinéma de Demain initiatives: the Short Film Competition, La Cinef, the Résidence, the Atelier, the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry, the Caméra d’or and “3 Days in Cannes”.

Follow the news as closely as possible on the Cinéma de Demain social media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Submit a film

The Short Film Competition, La Cinef and SFC | Rendez-vous Industry, what is the difference?

The Short Film Competition and La Cinef are two competitive sections of the Festival de Cannes Official Selection. The film selection is done by the Festival de Cannes crew and the film submission is free of charge.

The school film selection La Cinef is reserved to filmmakers whose films have been made in the course of their studies at a film school or university with a cinema department (secondary schools are excluded).

It is not possible to submit a film for both La Cinef and Short Film Competition. A student film must be registered with La Cinef and cannot be submitted to the Short Film Competition.

The SFC | Rendez-vous Industry is a forum dedicated to short films. Neither a selection, nor a competition, the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry – as a market area – is designed to boost networking between professionals.

Designed as a window into creative works around the world, it also produces a Market Catalogue for promising films registered with the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry for programmers, distributors, producers and buyers attending Cannes. The film curation presented in the Market Catalogue is done by the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry crew and the film submission costs 55 euros.

More information regarding the pre-selection rules & requirements of each initiative on:




For a film submission to La Cinef, what do you mean by major international festivals?

Class A festivals (Berlin, Venise, San Sebastian, etc.)


For a film submission to La Cinef, is it possible to submit a working copy of the film?

Yes this will have absolutely no negative impact on your chances of selection. If the committee is interested in your film you will be contacted to send the definitive version.


How to submit a film to the Caméra d’or?

The Caméra d’or is not a section but a prize. All first feature films selected are competing for the Caméra d’or. It rewards – during the Festival de Cannes closing ceremony – the best first feature film screened at the Official Selection, the Directors’ Fortnight or La Semaine de la Critique.


I have uploading issues, who can I contact?

All the technical characteristics (video, audio, files characteristics, subtitles, software configuration, browsers and Internet connection) are detailed in the pre-selection rules of each category:




To upload your film in the best conditions, you will need a stable Internet connection. If you close the window the film upload process will stop. However you can resume your upload at any time using the Reprendre/Resume function.

You may select the exact same movie file (same name, same size, same specifications). Otherwise, the Resume function cannot work.

For the SFC|Rendez-vous Industry, you’ll be able to upload your film once you have paid the fee at step 6 of the registration form.

If the uploading issues persist, you can contact:


My film is included in the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry Market Catalogue. What does it mean?

Films whose registration has been validated to the curated Market Catalogue will be available on a private & secured online VideoLibrary during the Festival de Cannes.

There is no official screening in the context of the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry as it is an industry platform, not a competition. Thus, there is no premiere status implied.

Nevertheless, filmmakers with a short films included in the Market Catalogue can book a Market Screening.

The registration of my film for the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry has been validated. What to do now? How to participate in the events?

If the registration of your film has been validated, you should have received a notification email inviting you to complete your accreditation demands by logging in back to your personal account.

Completing your accreditation demands are mandatory to participate in the industry events organised within the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry.

Keep an eye on your emails to stay updated about our schedule of events and the opening of the registrations for the events requiring a preliminary booking.

Industry Panels, Masterclass, Directors’ Talks: on free access
Workshops, Breakfast Meetings, Meet the Experts, Keynotes: upon registration
Market Screenings: upon booking


How to get an accreditation?

Accreditation will open on 1 February 2024. All accreditation submissions must be done on your personal account on the MY ACCOUNT website. No accreditation is automatically renewed from one year to the next.

Festival accreditations are free of charge. Nevertheless since 2021, an environmental contribution of 20€ (24€ tax included) is required for each participant, in order to offset carbon emissions due to the transport and housing of the Festival participants. This measure is part of the environmental policy of the Festival de Cannes.


Who can apply for an SFC | Rendez-vous Industry professional accreditation?

Professionals that have seen the registration of a film validated to the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry. Once a short film is validated to the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry Market Catalogue, project holders are allowed to fill-in the accreditation form.

Two accreditations are provided, reserved in priority to the director and the producer of the film.


What can I access thanks to an accreditation SFC | Rendez-vous Industry?

The SFC | Rendez-vous Industry accreditation gives you access to:

  • Events organized by the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry: Masterclasses, Directors’ Talks, Industry Panels, Workshops, Keynotes, Tutoring Sessions, Breakfast Meetings…
  • Official Selection Screenings upon badge or ticketing (Competition of short and feature films, La Cinef, Out of Competition, Special Screenings, Un Certain Regard, Cannes Classics, Cinéma de la Plage) and screenings of the Directors’ Fortnight and la Semaine de la Critique.
  • Marché du Film professional areas: Palais des Festivals, Riviera, Pantiero

Please note that this accreditation is only active from the starting day of the SFC | Rendez-vous Industry and does not give you access to the Marché du Film screenings.


I missed the deadline to apply for an SFC | Rendez-vous Industry professional accreditation, what should I do?

We remind you that applications for SFC | Rendez-vous Industry professional accreditations must be submitted via your personal account before April 15th, 2024. After this date, please contact us at

Please note that these tardive requests are subject to important restrictions and will only be issued on an exceptional basis.


If I cancel my SFC|Rendez-vous Industry professional accreditation, is the environmental contribution refundable?

Refund of the environmental contribution is only possible if the application for accreditation is canceled by April 15th, 2024.

If your accreditation request is declined by the Festival, and if the event is canceled, the payment of the environmental contribution will automatically be refunded.

More information in the General terms and conditions of the Festival de Cannes.


Who can apply for a « 3 Days in Cannes » accreditation?

To apply for a « 3 Days in Cannes » accreditation, you should

  • be aged between 18 and 28 years old
  • be passionate about cinema

A motivation letter showing your passion about cinema will be required for your registration.

If you already took part in the “3 Days in Cannes” program during the previous editions it is possible to ask again for accreditation this year. However, please submit a motivation letter different from the previous one.


What can I access thanks to a « 3 Days in Cannes » accreditation?

Accreditation for “3 Days in Cannes” gives you access to the Cinéum, for all films in the Official Selection. Located in the La Bocca district, the Cinéum is the city of Cannes’ brand-new multiplex cinema, and is served by a free shuttle service that runs from the town centre. The Cinéum’s three biggest screening rooms (seating 500, 400 and 270) are primarily geared towards non-professionals, and offer an opportunity to watch films in the very best possible conditions.

Accreditation also gives visitors access to screenings at the Palais des Festivals (and the Grand Théâtre Lumière for some screenings) on a first-come-first-served basis, with industry professionals given priority.

On the last Thursday and Friday of the Festival, a programme exclusively dedicated to “3 Days in Cannes” runs at the Les Arcades cinema.




How to join La Résidence?

The rules and regulations are being revised. New dates and registration rules will be published soon. Find more information on REGISTER TO THE RÉSIDENCE.


How to join the Atelier?

The Atelier takes a break to re-think its operations. More information will be given in the months to come.

In the meantime you can access the archives and former projects on the page THE ATELIER.


How to participate in the Creative Programs

Submissions are made upon invitation. Therefore there is no call for application.

  • The Focus SCRIPT addresses Cinema and Visual Art School current students or recently graduated.
  • The Focus WiP promotes short film projects in production or post-production.
  • The Focus COPRO is dedicated to first feature film projects.

More information on CREATIVE PROGRAMS 


How to participate in the New Producers Room

Submissions are made upon invitation. Therefore there is no call for application.

The New Producers Room promotes and supports about ten promising short film productors who have already produced at least two short films. This initiative is lead in collaboration with european institutions.More informations on NEW PRODUCERS ROOM.